Tobias family Glasgow, Scotland ~1896
Tobias family Glasgow, Scotland ~1896

Gene-Genie expert Jewish genealogist

I am an award-winning professional genealogist specialising in Jewish research worldwide. My particular expertise lies in Poland, the United Kingdom (especially Scotland) and the USA. I have almost 30 years of genealogy experience including 20 years helping Holocaust survivors and their families, and utilising DNA analysis.

by Michael Tobias OBE BSc MSc

Genealogical Services

Holocaust Survivor cousins, Los Angeles
Holocaust Survivor cousins, Los Angeles
Tracing Family Roots

Using my expertise in genealogical research, I have successfully traced the family roots of numerous clients, helping them discover their ancestral heritage.

Holocaust Survivor Reunions

I have had the privilege of reuniting Holocaust survivors with long-lost family members, bringing joy and closure to their lives.

Almost all work I do for survivors and their families is done on a pro-bono basis.

Millions of Polish-Jewish records available from Jewish Records Indexing Poland.
Millions of Polish-Jewish records available from Jewish Records Indexing Poland.
Jewish Research in Poland

With a deep understanding of Jewish history and culture in Poland, I have successfully conducted extensive research to uncover family connections and stories.

Autosomal and Y-DNA test analysis
Autosomal and Y-DNA test analysis
DNA Analysis for Ancestry

By utilising DNA analysis, I have helped individuals unravel their genetic history and connect with relatives across the globe.

Family Tree Charts and Reports
Family Tree Charts and Reports

Tracing Jewish Ancestry in the UK and USA

I specialise in tracing Jewish ancestry in the United Kingdom (especially Scotland) and USA, helping individuals discover their Jewish roots and connect with their heritage.

Family Reunion New York
Family Reunion New York

Contact Me

Get in touch with me for all of your genealogy needs